Before you use this website or enter the forums on this website, please read these terms of service carefully. By participating in our website and forum, you are agreeing to the terms set forth below.
Please remember that any information you disclose on a website and in a forum becomes public information and can be used by people you do not know. Accordingly, you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personal or other information. Any such disclosures are at your own risk.
Although we may monitor or review posted messages from time to time, we do not actively monitor the contents of any comments posted to this website or the forums, and we are not under any obligation to do so. Each user is solely responsible and liable for the contents of his or her postings, and we are not responsible in any way for the content or opinions expressed therein. We have the right, but not the obligation, to remove, edit or move, at any time, any material posted to his website or the forums, in each case as we deem appropriate.
You acknowledge that the content of all postings, unless explicitly displayed otherwise, expresses the views of the author, and not of the LBHA. You also acknowledge that your use of or reliance on the information posted by other users is at your own risk.
Your access to the forums is subject to your compliance with the following rules of conduct applicable to this website. By posting a comment on this website or entering a forum, you specifically agree to comply with each of the following:
- You will not post any copyrighted material unless you own or control the copyright to such material or have explicit permission to post from the copyright owner.
- You will not use any forum to post or transmit any message or other material that violates or infringes the rights of any other party, including, without limitation, rights of privacy, rights of publicity, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights.
- You will not use any forum to post or transmit any material that is: abusive, hateful, racist, bigoted, sexist, harassing, threatening, inflammatory, defamatory, knowingly false, vulgar, obscene, sexually-oriented, profane or is otherwise in violation of any applicable law, rule or regulation.
- If you use any forum for commercial purposes, including, without limitation, posting advertisements or solicitations, you must be a current member of the LBHA. You will not post any information that is fraudulent or misleading or offers for sale anything other than purebred, LBHA registered or registrable Large Black hogs or pork products from the same.
- You will not post or transmit any software or computer files that contain a virus, worm or other disruptive or harmful component.
Without limiting any of our other rights or remedies, a violation of any of the above rules of conduct may result in removal of a user’s postings, revocation of registration and/or banning a registrant’s e-mail address, which would prohibit the user from having any access to any or all of the forums. Such violations may also result in suspension of LBHA membership and/or disbarment from LBHA membership for any future period.
The LBHA will cooperate fully with law officials and comply with any court order with respect to any claim or investigation arising from your participation in any of the forums and any material posted by you, including, without limitation, furnishing such material and information regarding your identity and any other information we may have about you.
You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of and participation in any forum on this website. The LBHA shall not be responsible or liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of or in any way related to any forum on this website. If you are dissatisfied with this website, including any forum thereon, your sole remedy is to cease use of the website or forum, as applicable.
The LBHA does not warrant that the functions contained in the materials on this website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this website or the servers that make such materials available, are free of viruses or other harmful components. The LBHA does not warrant or make any representation regarding the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability or any other aspect of the use of any of the materials.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold LBHA harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liability, costs and expenses (including attorney’s fees) incurred by LBHA in connection with or arising out of your participation in any of the forums on this website and any material posted by you thereto.
You acknowledge that by participating in any forum on this website, you are granting the LBHA the unrestricted right, throughout the world and in perpetuity, to copy, sublicense, adapt, transmit, perform, display or otherwise use, at no cost whatsoever to LBHA, any and all material you post to any such forum, including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights embodied therein.
We may change, modify or supplement these terms of use at any time. Accordingly, we encourage you to check this page from time to time as you will be bound by any such revisions.
Effective Date: February 2020