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About heritagemeadowsfarm

Our mission here at Heritage Meadows Farm is to protect the rare and endangered genetics of heritage livestock and poultry breeds for future generations. These truly rare animals represent a genetic diversity that may be needed by future generations due to their strong health, invaluable mothering abilities, incredible foraging characteristics and the innate ability to thrive in a changing climate. These animals are a vital part of food security for the world. We accomplish this mission by providing premium purebred breeding genetics to novice and experienced breeders alike, by providing purebred feeder stock to those who wish to provide food security to their families, to provide grass-fed lamb, pastured pork, chicken, duck and geese meat and eggs that are unmatched in quality and nutrition to the end consumer. We further our mission outside of the livestock realm by maintain a robust seed bank. Our bank is maintained by us from crops that we grow. A lot of our seeds come from stock that are thought to be extinct or are in danger of becoming extinct. We are not certified organic however, we are chemical free. We do not use artificial herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers. Boars: Defender, Majestic, Malcolm Sows: Matilda, Daisy, Charlotte, Warbler, Prudence

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